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Data-diff solution for dbt-ers with Snowflake ❄️ 🌟

Who is this for?

  • Primarily for people who want to perform Data-diff validation on the Blue-Green deployment 🚀
  • Other good considerations 👍
    • UAT validation: data-diff with PROD
    • Code-Refactoring validation: data diff between old vs new
    • Migration to Snowflake: data diff between old vs new (requires to land the old data to Snowflake)
    • CI: future consideration only ⚠️

Core Concept 🌟

dbt-data-diff package provides the diff results into 3 categories or 3 levels of the diff as follows:

  • 🥉 Key diff (models): Compare the Primary Key (pk) only
  • 🥈 Schema diff (models): Compare the list of column's Names and Data Types
  • 🥇 Content diff (aka Data diff) (models): Compare all cell values. The columns will be filtered by each table's configuration (include_columns and exclude_columns), and the data can be also filtered by the where config. Behind the scenes, this operation does not require the Primary Key (PK) config, it will perform Bulk Operation (INTERCEPT or MINUS) and make an aggregation to make up the column level's match percentage

Sample diffing: Sample diffing

Behind the scenes, this package leverages the ❄️ Scripting Stored Procedure which provides the 3 ones correspondingly with 3 categories as above. Moreover, it utilizes the DAG of Tasks to optimize the speed with the parallelism once enabled by configuration 🚀

Sample DAG:

Sample DAG


  • Add to packages.yml file:
  - package: infinitelambda/data_diff
    version: [">=1.0.0", "<1.1.0"]

Or use the latest version from git:

  - git: ""
    revision: 1.0.0 # 1.0.0b1
  • (Optional) Configure database & schema in dbt_project.yml file:
  # (optional) default to `target.database` if not specified
  data_diff__database: COMMON
  # (optional) default to `target.schema` if not specified
  data_diff__schema: DATA_DIFF
  • Create/Migrate the data-diff's DDL resources
dbt deps
dbt run -s data_diff --vars '{data_diff__on_migration: true}'

Quick Start

1. Configure the tables that need comparing in dbt_project.yml

We're going to use the data_diff__configured_tables variable (Check out the dbt_project.yml/vars section for more details!)

For example, we want to compare table_x between PROD db and DEV one:

    - src_db: your_prod
      src_schema: your_schema
      src_table: table_x
      trg_db: your_dev
      trg_schema: your_schema
      trg_table: table_x
      pk: key # multiple columns splitted by comma
      include_columns: [] # [] to include all
      exclude_columns: ["loaded_at"] # [] to exclude loaded_at field

2. Refresh the configured tables's data

We can skip this step if you already did it. If not, let's run the below command:

dbt run -s data_diff \
  --full-refresh \
  --vars '{data_diff__on_migration: true, data_diff__on_migration_data: true, data_diff__full_refresh: true}'

In the above:

  • --full-refresh and data_diff__full_refresh: To re-create all data-diff models
  • data_diff__on_migration: true: To re-create the stored procedures
  • data_diff__on_migration_data: true: To reset the configured data

3. Trigger the validation via dbt operation

Now, let's start the diff run:

dbt run-operation data_diff__run        # normal mode, run in sequence, wait unitl finished
# OR
dbt run-operation data_diff__run_async  # async mode, parallel, no waiting
dbt run-operation data_diff__run_async --args '{is_polling_status: true}'
                                        # async mode, parallel, status polling

In the Async Mode

We leverage the DAG of tasks, therefore the dbt's ROLE will need granting the addtional privilege:

use role accountadmin;
grant execute task on account to role {{ target.role }};
📖 Or via dbt hook by default (it will run an incremental load for all models)
# Add into dbt_project.yml file

# normal mode
  - > # run data-diff hook
    {% if var("data_diff__on_run_hook", false) %}
      {{ data_diff.data_diff__run(in_hook=true) }}
    {% endif %}

# async mode
  - > # run data-diff hook
    {% if var("data_diff__on_run_hook", false) %}
      {{ data_diff.data_diff__run_async(in_hook=true) }}
    {% endif %}
# terminal
dbt run -s data_diff --vars '{data_diff__on_run_hook: true}'

4. [Bonus] Deploy the helper 🤩

Our helper is the Streamlit in Snowflake (SiS) application which was built on the last diff result in order to help us to have a better examining with the actual result without typing SQL.

Let's deploy the Streamlit app by running the dbt command as follows:

dbt run-operation sis_deploy__diff_helper
Sample logs
02:44:50  Running with dbt=1.7.4
02:44:52  Registered adapter: snowflake=1.7.1
02:44:53  Found 16 models, 2 operations, 21 tests, 0 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics, 558 macros, 0 groups, 0 semantic models
02:44:53  [RUN]: sis_deploy__diff_helper
02:44:53  query:

    create schema if not exists data_diff.blue_dat_common;
    create or replace stage data_diff.blue_dat_common.stage_diff_helper
      directory = ( enable = true )
      comment = 'Named stage for diff helper SiS appilication';

    PUT file://dbt_packages/data_diff/macros/sis/ @data_diff.blue_dat_common.stage_diff_helper overwrite=true auto_compress=false;

    create or replace streamlit data_diff.blue_dat_common.data_diff_helper
      root_location = '@data_diff.blue_dat_common.stage_diff_helper'
      main_file = '/'
      query_warehouse = wh_data_diff
      comment = 'Streamlit app for the dbt-data-diff package';

02:45:02  <agate.MappedSequence: (<agate.Row: ('Streamlit DATA_DIFF_HELPER successfully created.')>)>

Once it's done, you could access to the app via: Steamlit menu / DATA_DIFF_HELPER or via this quick link:

👉 Check out the sample app UI Sample SiS


Part 1: Configure and prepare Blue/Green

Watch the video - P1

Part 2: Run data diff & examine the result

Watch the video - P2


See dbt_project.yml file

Go to vars section here 🏃

We managed to provide the inline comments only for now, soon to have the dedicated page for more detail explanation.

Here are the full list of built-in variables:

  • data_diff__database
  • data_diff__schema
  • data_diff__on_migration
  • data_diff__on_migration_data
  • data_diff__on_run_hook
  • data_diff__full_refresh
  • data_diff__configured_tables__source_fixed_naming
  • data_diff__configured_tables__target_fixed_naming
  • data_diff__configured_tables
  • data_diff__auto_pipe

How to Contribute ❤️

dbt-data-diff is an open-source dbt package. Whether you are a seasoned open-source contributor or a first-time committer, we welcome and encourage you to contribute code, documentation, ideas, or problem statements to this project.

👉 See CONTRIBUTING guideline for more details or check out

🌟 And then, kudos to our beloved Contributors:


⭐ Special Credits to 👱 Attila Berecz who is the OG Contributor of the Core Concept and all the Snowflake Stored Procedures

Features comparison to the alternative packages

Feature Supported Package Notes
Key diff ✅ all available
Schema diff (*): Only available in the paid-version 💰
Content diff (*): Only available in the paid-version 💰
Yaml Configuration
  • dbt_data_diff
data_diff will use the toml file, dbt_audit_helper will require to create new models for each comparison
Query & Execution log
  • dbt_data_diff
Except for dbt's log, this package to be very transparent on which diff queries executed which are exposed in log_for_validation model
Snowflake-native Stored Proc
  • dbt_data_diff
Purely built as Snowflake SQL native stored procedures
Parallelism dbt_data_diff leverages Snowflake Task DAG, the others use python threading
  • dbt_data_diff
Trigger run & go away. Decide to continously poll the run status and waiting until finished if needed
Multi-warehouse supported (*): Future Consideration 🏃

About Infinite Lambda

Infinite Lambda is a cloud and data consultancy. We build strategies, help organizations implement them, and pass on the expertise to look after the infrastructure.

We are an Elite Snowflake Partner, a Platinum dbt Partner, and a two-time Fivetran Innovation Partner of the Year for EMEA.

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